Formula 1 Wiki


Formula 1 Wiki
1930 1931 Grand Prix season 1932
none 1931 European Championship season 1932

The 1931 Grand Prix season saw the introduction of the European Championship, which Ferdinando Minoia won for Alfa Romeo.


European Championship Grands Prix[]

Rd Date Name Circuit Winning drivers Winning
1 24 May Italy Italian Grand Prix Monza Italy Giuseppe Campari Alfa Romeo Report
Italy Tazio Nuvolari
2 21 June France French Grand Prix Montlhéry Monaco Louis Chiron Bugatti Report
Italy Achille Varzi
3 12 July Belgium Belgian Grand Prix Spa-Francorchamps United Kingdom William Grover-Williams Bugatti Report
Italy Caberto Conelli

Championship Final Standings[]

Minoia won the championship on a tie-breaker as he had completed a longer distance in total than Campari.

Pos Driver ITA
1 Italy Ferdinando Minoia 2 6 3 9
2 Italy Giuseppe Campari 1 2 Ret 9
3 Italy Baconin Borzacchini Ret 2 2 11
4 France Albert Divo 3 7 Ret 12
= France Guy Bouriat 3 7 Ret 12
= Italy Achille Varzi Ret 1 Ret 12
= Monaco Louis Chiron Ret 1 Ret 12
8 Italy Tazio Nuvolari Ret 11 2 13
9 France Jean-Pierre Wimille 4 Ret 7 14
= France Jean Gaupillat 4 Ret 7 14
= United Kingdom William Grover-Williams Ret 1 14
= Italy Caberto Conelli Ret 1 14
13 Russia[1] Boris Ivanowski 5 Ret 5 15
= France Henri Stoffel 5 Ret 5 15
= Italy Giovanni Minozzi 11 3 15
16 United Kingdom Henry Birkin 4 4 16
= France Jean Pesato 10 6 16
= France Pierre Félix 10 6 16
= United Kingdom Brian Lewis 12 4 16
20 Italy Pietro Ghersi 8 8 17
= France Robert Sénéchal 9 5 17
22 Italy Goffredo Zehender 6 Ret 18
23 Italy Clemente Biondetti 3 19
= Italy Luigi Parenti 3 19
25 Italy Francesco Pirola 6 20
= Italy Giovanni Lurani 6 20
= Italy Amadeo Ruggeri 7 20
= Italy Renato Balestrero 7 20
= United Kingdom George Eyston 4 20
= France René Dreyfus 8 20
= France René Ferrant 9 20
= France Louis Rigal 9 20
= United Kingdom Earl Howe 12 20
34 Italy Umberto Klinger 8 21
= Italy Roberto di Vecchio Ret 21
= Italy Gerolamo Ferrari Ret 21
= France Marcel Lehoux Ret Ret 21
= France Philippe Étancelin Ret Ret 21
= Italy Emilio Eminente Ret 21
= France Edmond Bourlier Ret 21
= France Georges d'Arnoux Ret 21
= France Max Fourny Ret 21
= France Charles Montier 8 21
= Ducolombier 8 21
= France François Montier Ret 21
46 Italy Enzo Grimaldi Ret 22
= Borgait Ret 22
= Italy Luigi Fagioli Ret 22
= Italy Ernesto Maserati Ret 22
= Germany Rudolf Caracciola Ret 22
= Germany Otto Merz Ret 22
52 Italy Alfredo Caniato Ret 23
= Tortini Ret 23
= United Kingdom William "Bummer" Scott Ret 23
= S. Armstrong-Payne Ret 23
= United Kingdom Jack Dunfee Ret 23
Pos Driver ITA


  1. Ivanowski was a Russian national, but in exile since the Russian Revolution